January 1999

Thursday, January 28th

Damn it's cold! The winter has re-arrived to Sweden, unfortunately. (In the northern parts of Sweden there has been reported temperatures at about -50 C! ...imagine that!)

Anyway, I've got some projects going on, and one of them even sounds pretty ok! Soon I'll have the right cables to sample from the synth, and then ya'll will be hearing some previews...


Tuesday, January 19th

Ok, so when you don't have any new music to entertain everyone with, you gotta come up with something else. In my case, that means a new photo in the Gallery and a totally redone Friends section instead of the old Greets page.

So, go ahead and enter the Gallery and see what my life consists of nowadays. :-)

(I'm doing some progress with a few musical projects on the JV2080. I'm using my old awe32 for custom drum samples, so I gotta get the right cables for sampling my projects soon... Stay tuned.).


Tuesday, January 12th

1999 - a new year & a new start. For me, it's more and more looking like the end of tracking, which is a departure that is as sad as it is inevitable. Tracking is really such a great and inexpensive way of creating and sharing music. But I believe that sometimes, at certain points, we all feel that we need to go on and evolve and maybe do something different.

So, therefore I'm leaving Fasttracker 2 and starting to experiment with, for me, new ways of creating music. It's the start of sequencing and the (unfortunately rather expensive) world of MIDI. But, it doesn't mean the end of my website, and you will be hearing my compositions even in the future, but maybe not in the format you're used to. (For you wondering - yes, it'll probably be mp3 files in the future.)

I'll keep you updated, and who knows, there just might pop up a new .xm tune one day, with all new and fresh samples. *grin*

Have a good one - later!

